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ATS's CEO Is Against Stigma

Posted 10/10/19

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October 10th is World Mental Health Day. It is important that we continue to talk about mental health and take away the stigma that still exists in our society today.

Achieving True Self recently joined the CEOs Against Stigma campaign with NAMI Keystone Pennsylvania. Rick Murray, our President/CEO and Founder has been in the field for over 20 years and is a fierce and passionate advocate for those who struggle to become their truest selves - and that includes every staff member at ATS just as much as those we are fortunate to serve. 

Rick's statement for the campaign is:

“The core value of Achieving True Self (ATS) is 'people matter – a concept so simply stated, yet powerfully embraced.’ We are committed to providing and promoting healthy organizational culture and balance. We are unquestionably committed to the health and wellness of our valued team members – our ATS family – just as much as those individuals and families across communities we are fortunate to serve. We are not afraid of difficult conversations and we will not to give in to stigma. Let’s change the dialogue, and the world, together.”

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