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Need a Speaker? Search No More!

Posted 07/15/19

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"In seeking wisdom, the first step is silence; the second, listening; the third, remembering; the fourth, practicing; the fifth, teaching others." ~ Solomon Ibn Gabirol

This past weekend, we facilitated a three hour workshop for staff and volunteers of all ages (from teens to retired) at a church in Washington County, MD. Led by Angie Gibney, RBT and Family Support and Community Engagement Specialist, the group was encouraged to "Take a S.E.A.T." and learn the basics of autism and Applied Behavior Analysis. Utilizing video modeling, interactive activities and comprehensive slide content, participants were able to gain a stronger understanding of how autism might appear in some individuals, and learn strategies for enhancing others' experiences within their campus.

A few hours later, Angie received a message from the director who said "Thank you so much for coming out today. We appreciated all the info given. It was so helpful! We even used some of the techniques tonight during kids service. You are amazing."

It was so humbling for us to hear that children attending service that very same evening were able to participate more fully and worship with their loved ones!

If you are searching for a dynamic speaker to provide training and consultation to your agency, organization or school, your search stops with us! We have a consortium of speakers with diverse certifications and expertise who have presented to audiences from 5 to over 500 for almost two decades.  Our topics include, but are not limited to: 

* Anti-Bullying Programs

* Applied Behavior Analysis

* Autism Spectrum Disorder

* Behavioral Health Disorders

* Ethical Practices

* Impact of Trauma

* Intellectual Disabilities

* Mental Health and Wellness

* Parent-Child Interaction Therapy

* Self-Advocacy

Ready to schedule your event? Contact us today! We are now accepting requests and submitting proposals for Fall 2019 and beyond.


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Autism Training & Support

Behavioral Health Services