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Notice​Immediate FT BCBA Opportunities in Frederick and Hagerstown, MD!

Group ABA Services -- MD and PA

Where can I find Group ABA Services?

Baltimore and Harford Counties – Maryland

Our MD program does not have an age limit, but our clinical team will assess who is appropriate to enroll. Currently, the groups meet in Owings Mills and Bel Air (the physical locations vary) for one-hour sessions.

Indiana County -- Pennsylvania

Our PA program is for learners ages 3-21, and two-hour sessions are held after school at the ARIN IU28 (with a maximum of eight hours per week authorized).

More about our Group ABA and Structured Social Skills Groups:

Activities within the program are based in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), utilizing positive reinforcement to strengthen skills and targeted replacement behaviors. Our goals are to assist individuals diagnosed with autism to increase their generalization skills, their independence, their social skills, and to ultimately become successful members within their communities.

Our Group ABA Program and Social Skills Groups will also:

  • Address deficits with social interactions, communication skills (both verbal and non-verbal)

  • Examine patterns of repetitive behaviors and/or interests, and executive functioning

  • Aim to decrease maladaptive problem behaviors through teaching functional alternative behaviors

How do I get started?

We are hoping to continue to expand these opportunities across both MD and PA. You can make a referral today through our website! Have questions, or wish to see Group ABA Services come to your area? Send us a message!

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Behavioral Health Services